Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Week of Love

I stole this idea from my cousin's blog. There's a week left until Valentine's day, so for every day I'm going to post about something I love.
I love Melona Bars

This is a Korean ice cream bar that we discovered a few years ago. My uncle introduced them to us when we were in Hawaii. (There seems to be a Hawaii theme with me lately...I'm really wishing it weren't so snowy here). :D Anyway, Melona Bars are the best treat I have ever, ever had. They are ice cream that tastes like honeydew melons. We found a little Korean store in Logan that we buy them from, but they aren't quite the same as they are in Hawaii. There are ten bars in each box, and when we're on vacation, our family goes through three or four boxes of them. They're that good.


Anonymous said...

yes, good knives are a must!

Becca and Kent said...

So everyone knows... Shannon was really quick and posted in the ten minutes between me posting and then editing my post. The original post was about my cutlery set. But I decided to save that "love" for a later day in the week.

Teresa said...

I wonder if they carry them in the stores here? That's something I will need to check out-
{before reading your post- and from just looking at the picture, I thought it was a "duster" :]

Anonymous said...

How did I miss these when we were in hawaii? I love popsicles and these look really good! I am excited to read about all that you "love"!

heidi said...

they do look good! you need to find a place there in Rexburg that has them for you and kent. then you can have them all the time.