Friday, November 16, 2007

To Thanksgiving!

It's time for Thanksgiving break! Wahoney! I'm so glad. It has been a very, very stressful week. The kind of stress that wakes you up at 4 a.m. and doesn't let you go back to sleep. But I just have one more class today and then we're off!! We'll spend a few days together at my house and then Kent is flying back home to be with his family for Thanksgiving. And we've got a ton of things to do while we are getting a marriage license (I can't believe it is really happening!), address our announcements, have a wedding shower, pay for flowers and other last minute details, and get everything ready for the big day in a few weeks. And we're going to have some fun, too: tonight we're doing our Christmas tree at my house along with the accompanying traditions, and we'll probably take my siblings out for ice cream again, etc. I'll take pictures and let you know what we get done!


Emily said...

Oh I don't miss that stress of school... So glad that you have a little break- those breaks were the only way I made it through! How fun that your starting your decorating for Christmas- It starts earlier and earlier each year- I am so glad- the longer we're thinking of Christmas the better! and the closer we get to Christmas the closer you are to your big day!! Yeah! Thanks for your comment on my blog- being married is truly the best. It is not always easy but one thing we have tried to remember is to do the little things... hold hands, kiss, date nights etc... Life gets busy and sometimes it is easy to take each other for granted. Just always do nice things for each other- It is true that we love those we serve- especially pertaining to our families! If he's bugging you (I promise someday he might!) just do something nice for him! Sorry about the novel... love, Em

heidi said...

i'm sure it will be nice to have a quick break from school. hope you have a great thanksgiving