Monday, November 5, 2007

San Antonio!

Early this morning I drove Kent to the Idaho Falls airport and he's now on his way to San Antonio, Texas. Today he's going to be shown around the USAA company and then tomorrow afternoon he has his official interview. We are really hoping we get this internship--it would be such a fantastic opportunity for us to save up a good chunk of money, live somewhere on our own for a while, see somewhere new, etc. Kent says he's not very nervous for the interview, so it's a good thing he's doing it and not me--I was up nearly all night worrying about it. :D But then, I am really good at worrying. I might get an award for my talent someday...

Anyway, I know Kent isn't going to take any pictures of San Antonio while he's there, so I found a few on the internet, and it looks like a gorgeous place!! It would be so fun to live there for a while, and have some fun things to do; to get out of Rexburg for a few months would be great.

Well, we're praying hard for this. Hopefully it all works out! Last night Kent and I figured out our schedules for next semester--our classes and the hours we will be working, and we also made our budget. We're going to be just fine as far as money is concerned, so even if we aren't supposed to get this internship we'll be all right--the Lord is going to take care of us.

We won't find out for a few more weeks if Kent gets the position, but I'll update when I find out how the interview and everything went!


Teresa said...

Very exciting- we are praying too :}
Can't see Kent not getting it- everyone likes Kent.

Becca and Kent said...

Thanks! It's so great to have so much support.

Creole Wisdom said...

I've never been there, but it looks so pretty! I really hope it works out for you!

(and not to be a creeper, I am a longtime reader of Shannon's and Teresa's blog : )