Monday, March 25, 2013

while Daddy's away

Last week, Kent went to Alaska.  On a "man trip" with his dad and brothers.  They snowmobiled across 400 miles of Alaskan wilderness.  Kent's dad wrote a post about it on Teresa's blog here.

While he was gone, instead of single-mom-ing it for a week,
we ran away to play all week too!
Although we went somewhere much less cold and wilderness-ey.

I really really love living close enough to just drive up to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the week.
And I love being in this season of life where we have no schedule, no school, no reason not to just go play for the whole entire week.


Mariley Johnson said...

Yes. Enjoy the time when you're kids don't have schedules. It put's a cramp in spontaneity for sure.

Creole Wisdom said...

Fun! Schedules are so overrated. Secretly, I've always wanted to visit Alaska. I've hard it is gorgeous. I'm sure Kent will come home with cool stories!