Saturday, February 21, 2009

Clam Chowder Day

"A New England clam chowder, made as it should be, is a dish to preach about, to chant praises and sing hymns and burn incense before. To fight for. The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought for--or on--clam chowder; part of it at least, I am sure it was. It is as American as the Stars and Stripes, as patriotic as the national Anthem. It is 'Yankee Doodle in a kettle.'"
-Joseph C. Lincoln (1870-1944), author of 47 books and plays about Cape Cod.

Today was National Clam Chowder day. We found it on the website Shannon mentioned in her post about odd holidays.

So we celebrated by researching the history of clam chowder (it's from France), watching Sponge Bob this afternoon in hopes that it would be an episode with a clam in it, and then later tonight having a candlelight clam chowder bread bowl dinner. And you know what? It was delightful. Yankee Doodle in a bread bowl.


Teresa said...

That's my all time favorite- clam chowder in a bread bowl- usually I go to Monterey to get some :}
Love your plates- and your table looks so romantic.

Shannon b said...

we love clam chowda'. Way to celebrate!

Jocelyn said...

one of the blessings of living here in New England is having really fresh clam chowder {or chowdah} as they say! now I'm getting hungry! thanks!

heidi said...

looks so yummy! i remember you said that recipe for orange chicken looked like it was too many steps... but yet you do things like this!!! lol way to go it really looks good

Creole Wisdom said...

Cool holiday! I love clam chowder, and in Boston I visited the JFK museum, and let me tell you- best "chowdah" ever! So dang good. And bread bowls? Perfection, those are great, too : ) Hope you are feeling great!

The Tibbitts said...

What a fun idea! I don't really like clam chowder, but maybe I would have eaten it had I known it was its holiday. I definitely would have eaten it in romantic candlelight. How fun!