Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Honey, will you...?"

As part of my goal to give more this year, I've started paying attention to all the things that I ask (or even just expect) Kent to do for me. He is so sweet, and so patient. He'll do whatever I ask, and usually without even complaining. (usually.)

Kent will do the dishes for me, fold the laundry, make lunch or even dinner, humor me by making the bed at night just before we get in it (even though he thinks it's ridiculous), get me a glass of water whenever I even look thirsty, doesn't complain when all of my bathroom stuff takes over the tiny bathroom counter, opens the car door for me every time we get in it, and on and on! It would take me forever to list everything my sweet husband does for me.

And so I was thinking, how often do I try to do little acts of service for him in return? But more than that, how often do I just expect him to give to me, because I'm thinking more about myself than about him?

So I've been trying this week to stop myself anytime I start to ask him for something, and instead ask if I can do something for him. Instead of asking him if he'll get me a drink, I try to remember and ask if I can get him one.

Of course, I haven't been perfect at this, but it has opened my eyes just a little bit more and started to teach me to give more, and expect less.


Jess said...

Becca Becca Becca!

You are so great. I love this idea.

I'm so happy that we can keep in touch (even though it is limited) through the world of blogging. :) I really will have time to call you tomorrow! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Love that picture of the two of you!

heidi said...

how great of you, i'll have to start paying attention to myself. love the picture, isn't that mesa falls, i was just there this summer!

Shannon b said...

what a perfect little exercise . . . marriage is all about give & take and finding the right balance, right? :)
Love the picture of you too!

Creole Wisdom said...

you are so cool! please come over and teach me to do that. I feel so... inadequate... compared to all the sweet surprises, kindness, paying for everything, etc... that J does. How can I ever "pay" him back? Time to step it up! I love your picture btw- adorable black top : )

Lisa Brown said...

I need to do this too! What a great reminder.

Murray Ohana said...

What a great idea...believe me I have had more than my share of expectations lately. I really need to quit being so selfish even when I'm not feeling well. Thanks for the idea. Oh...and I loved your post about your new year's goal. I loved Pres Monson's conference talk too.

Emily said...

thanks for the reminder to give more!! Kent is a lot like Glen and I must admit that I often take him for granted... he has never told me no and doesn't complain about anything... seriously!! He ALWAYS puts my wants/needs before his... he is always thinking of me and what he can do to make my life better or easier... I often think of ME too so what you said is a really good reminder that it should go both ways and I'm going to make that my goal for February... the month of LOVE :) xoxo

Elder Caleb Habel said...

You have inspired me to pay more attention to what I ask of my family in general.

Elder Caleb Habel said...

You have inspired me to pay more attention to what I ask of my family in general.

Elder Caleb Habel said...

You have inspired me to pay more attention to what I ask of my family in general.

Anonymous said...

now that's gotten me looking at everything Scott does for me too.. my eyes were opened -- thanks.

Jason, Sara, Claire, Grant and Miles said...

What a cute photo of you two - you look great Becca! And so happy. Good luck with the upcoming move.