Sunday, January 11, 2009

50 Things

Kent had an assignment for one of his classes to make a list of "50 things to do before I die." I was having so much fun helping him think of things for his list that I made my own.

I'm pretty sure I won't complete everything on this list, but it's fun to think about. Some of these are silly, some are serious, but they are all part of the
50 Things I want to do before I die:

  1. See my children married in the Temple
  2. Build our own home
  3. Grow a flower garden
  4. Learn to paint
  5. Take a dance class with Kent
  6. See the Tour de France
  7. Go to Cancun
  8. See the Northern Lights
  9. Swim with dolphins
  10. Eat New York pizza
  11. Go to a Josh Groban concert
  12. Ride in a gondola in Venice
  13. Go in a hot air balloon
  14. Take a cruise
  15. Do the Church History Tour
  16. Try sushi
  17. Ride a camel
  18. Eat fish and chips in England
  19. Publish a novel
  20. Shower in a waterfall
  21. Stay in an overwater bungalow in Tahiti
  22. Go to Jerusalem
  23. Catch a firefly
  24. Raft the Grand Canyon
  25. Help build a house for charity
  26. Try escargot
  27. Freeze my own corn
  28. Decorate our home and be happy with it
  29. Visit the Neuwanschtein Castle
  30. Stay in a quaint village in the Swiss Alps
  31. Experience weightlessness
  32. Play chess in Central Park
  33. See New England in the fall
  34. Watch a buffalo stampede
  35. Use a biodegradeable fuel source
  36. Ride a galloping horse
  37. Make a real patchwork quilt
  38. Learn to play the violin
  39. Watch a butterfly hatch
  40. Stay a night in the Disney Castle
  41. Go to a drive in movie
  42. Get an SLR camera and learn how to use it
  43. Stay in a yurt
  44. Take in a needy family and help them get back on their feet
  45. Find an ancestor to do temple work for
  46. Make a wedding cake
  47. Go on a zipline course
  48. Take our children camping at Tony Grove
  49. Attend an olympic event
  50. Travel with our family at least once a year

What is something that would be on your list? (Kent is still trying to finish his list; he'd love to hear some of your ideas).


Creole Wisdom said...

Those things seem like a lot of fun! I don't know what Tony Grove is, so I'll have to search. Many of yours are on my list : )

Teresa said...

I've done several of the things you talked about- 2,3,7,10,11,14,15,16,26,27,28 sort of, 34, 36,37,38,39,41, 45,46,47,50 and I'm wishing to do some other thing too like 21! and we are still working on #1 almost there.
Thanks for sharing your list- fun.

Shannon b said...

cool list! Forever I've said that "go to Africa" was on my list. I would tell Kent to add "fly in an F-16 fighter jet" to his list . . . . but I know his stomach could never handle it. Neither could mine!

Lisa Brown said...

I will totally have to think about it. I think I have already accomplished a bunch of my things. Hmm . . . now I am intrigued.

Lisa Brown said...

PS. I was reading your list again and figured out which ones I have done on your list: 3, 10,16,17,22,23,26,36,37,39,41,42, and 49 - the escargo and the sushi were my least favorite :).

Elder Caleb Habel said...

I think the word "give" is a great one. I love the primary song "give said the little stream". I also enjoyed your list of 50 things to do, many of which would be on mine list as well.