Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Carnage

Does anybody else's kitchen look like this when you move? I'm not sure how this happens. Every other room in our house was as empty as could be, and all the small and unplaceable items get dumped in the kitchen. It happens every time I move. I can't explain it.

Oh, I'm so glad I don't have to move again for six more months.


Teresa said...

Yes, mine have looked similar to that too- at move in. Glad you guys don't have to move again for awhile.
{Ps. The pigs got us again last night!}

Anonymous said...

when you move...your kitchen will always look like that! Thank you so much for baking jake a birthday cake. You guys are the best!

heidi said...

yep it looks like that until the "unplaceables" find a home for me.

Libby said...

Everytime we move the kitchen seems to catch all the clutter too. I think you and Kent may end up moving more than us.