Tuesday, June 1, 2010

so close

I can almost taste it.
The first thing I'm going to do?
Slice it up while it's still warm from the sun and lay it on top of a slice of cheddar cheese on some nice whole-grain bread, broil until the cheese is melty and bubbly, sprinkle with coarse salt and fresh-ground pepper,
and then sit and enjoy.

So, so close.


Jess said...

Ooo!!! I can't wait until I get to Texas where you almost have tomatoes (tomatos?...hmmm...) the very first day of June!

Random question--what kind of camera do you have? Your pictures are all amazing! And while much of that is the skill of the person behind the camera... I'm still curious. I probably won't have money to buy one anytime soon, but I want to be ready with what I want when I DO have the money. :)

Teresa said...

There's nothing like a vine fresh tomato....fabulous!

Lisa Brown said...

My large tomatoes aren't red yet, but I have harvested a handful of my cherry tomatoes and they are so yummy! Enjoy!!