Saturday, February 6, 2010

groundhogs day

When my mom was in college, she and her roommates started a tradition
of celebrating Groundhog's Day.
Yep. You heard me.
We celebrate Groundhog's Day.

It is a very simple tradition, and it includes only two things:
1. Ice cream
2. Drawing pictures of groundhogs

Although I was a bit concerned that they might think it rather silly, we invited our friends over to celebrate with us.
And they had fun! (Or at least they pretended to.)
And I added two more little things to this year's celebration:
1. Eating sausage for dinner (ground-hog, get it?)
2. Groundhog cupcakes

I believe it was a success. I did my part in spreading the tradition.
And until next year, Happy Belated Groundhog's Day!


Shannon b said...

what a cute idea! I love it! Your groundhog cupcakes are just perfect. I wonder if Payton would be interested to have some of those for his birthday next year (Groundhogs Day). :)

Mariley Johnson said...

Aren't holidays great? Any reason to celebrate, right?
My cousin and I used to make up holidays and name them after the initials of the boys we liked! said...

So sad I missed Ground hogs day this year, maybe next year right?:) I love that you are taking a picture everyday this year, what a great idea. My favorite picture is Nicholas in your bed, isn't cuddling a happy baby in the morning the best thing?

Anonymous said...

Fun Fun -- that great idea!

Lisa Brown said...

Love the cupcakes!! So cute! What a fun tradition :).