Monday, December 10, 2007

Bring it on!

Well, here we are, only a week away!! It's pretty crazy right now trying to get all my stuff for finals week and school done and make sure everything is ready for the wedding. (My mom is the most amazing woman! All the things she's done for this wedding...whew.) I have so much to do I'm not sure how it is all going to come together in just a week. But one thing I know for sure is that Kent and I are definitely ready for the wedding. I'm so happy about this. I feel so much peace and joy right now. I have never been so happy about something before. I know that this is the right time, that Kent is the right person, and that we are going to be married in the right place, the Logan temple, and that Heavenly Father is pleased with us. Life is full of adventures, and this is going to be the biggest adventure so far!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Have a great week- hope things go smoothly.
See you Sat. at the Temple