I am drinking a peach Propel. The baby "needed" some Propels a few days ago. Flavored water almost makes me feel like I'm getting dessert. Almost. I'd rather be eating something that looks like this:

I only spent $36 on groceries this week! (Minus the Propels, which Kent said I didn't have to count as groceries--isn't he the greatest?) I'm proud of myself, and I smiled when I slid my card through at the check out.
I should be doing homework right now. I graduate in 43 days! Sometimes it's nice to just sit and think about graduating, without actually doing what I need to for that to actually happen.
I've been writing the baby's potential names on a scrap of paper to see how they look with our last name. I haven't done that since I was dating Kent and wrote "Rebecca Ashley Andersen" all over a page of a notebook. It's juvenile and fun.