It was a fantastic weekend--
Kent and I got to go on TWO dates on his birthday, (thanks Mom!)
lots of fireworks,
beautiful sunsets,
shave ice,
building castles in the sandbox,
Texas brisket and creamed corn,
Oreo mud pie,
and lots of hours practicing swimming skills in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard pool.
especially this year---he turned 30!!
But Kent's favorite kind of birthday is one where we don't really do anything special for him.
He just wants fireworks and good food,
and so that's what we give him.
I do have the kids pick out their own presents for him each year. This year Nicholas gave him poptarts (the fudge sundae kind because "they look the most birthday-ish") and Ellie gave him these super fun foam airplanes that only got stuck on the roof twice and in the tree once.
Watching Kent and my brothers and Dad attempt to get the airplane out of the tree was almost more fun than watching the airplanes themselves.
Ellie started off afraid of the water, not even willing to let us let go of her,
but after much patient (mostly) practice and work with me and Kent,
she finally realized that she could float and that it was actually fun.
And then we couldn't get her out of the pool without many many tears.
We'll have to go back again before summer's over.
Christian also loved the pool, but he liked sitting with Grandma Murray just as much.
(our children, all three of them, are terrified of fireworks. We tried to help them like it better, but after so many episodes of screaming and terror, we've given up and just put them to bed before the fun begins)
while I nursed my baby in the quiet calm house, I got to watch a most beautiful Fourth of July sunset.
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