Sunday, March 15, 2015

welcome Christian

 March 11
11:37 pm
Our Christian Blain decided to join us.
He's a love. All 8 lbs, 12 oz and 22 inches of him.

 His arrival was everything I wanted it to be.  One of the most difficult, intense, spiritual, peaceful, and beautiful moments of my life. I felt loved, supported, and strong. 

And just when I thought maybe I wasn't strong enough, there he was, in my arms,
right where he belongs.

It was a moment of heaven.
 We felt extra lucky because the very day he was born the hospital lifted the visitors age restrictions (no one under the age of 14 had been allowed because of the flu season),
so Nicholas and Ellie were able to come visit us the next morning.

Our family of five!

 It was my sister Sarah's birthday on the 12th (as well as my cousin, one of my cousin's children, and Kent's brother!) 
We were betting Christian would be born on the 12th as well, but he hurried up and just barely made it on the 11th. 
He wanted his own special birthday, I'm sure.

We had to stay a night longer than I wanted to in the hospital (after about 20 hours or so I'm ready to get out of there!) because he was born so late at night and some of the newborn tests need to be done exactly 24 hours after birth....and although I tried, they weren't too excited about discharging us at midnight....

but it ended up being kinda nice to just be there, in the quiet, just the three of us.

When it was time to leave, though, we were more than happy to be out of there. 
The drive home felt kind of surreal; I wasn't pregnant anymore! Our baby is here! 
What a relief!

 And we were so happy to be welcomed home by balloons, a banner, posters the kids colored, and two very enthusiastic older siblings.

 Nicholas adores Christian. He will sit and hold Christian for as long as we let him--he's so sweet and gentle.
He's been the best big brother so far; unbelievably helpful and obedient and just all around sweet.
The afternoon we came home, Nick just kept saying "I'm so happy, we have our very own just born baby!"

Ellie seems so grown up now, I'm always a little sad about how that happens. 
She is so soft and sweet, she especially loves to look at his tiny ears and fingers and toes.
She's been very emotional since we left for the hospital to have Christian; I'm sure it's a huge change in her little life, and hopefully we can help her work it out soon.
 My wonderful mom was here to watch the kids while we were gone, 
and on Saturday, instead of just going home, she packed up the kids and took them with her. 
 I can't even say how much this has helped me and Kent.
Christian is decidedly not a good sleeper so far (he pretty much just doesn't during the night) and I can't even imagine trying to get up and be a good (or even acceptable!) mother for the other kids right now.

They're having fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and in a few days, when I'm a little more healed and hopefully just a teeny bit more rested,
we'll get them back again.

Until then, Kent, Christian, and I are taking it easy, resting in our quiet nest,
kissing velvety baby skin, getting lots of floppy baby cuddles, and sniffing a newborn baby head several times an hour (okay, that's mostly just me...)

Welcome to the world, Christian!


Stephanie Woodward said...

Oh he is perfect!! I'm so glad everything went as planned, and that was so nice of your mom to take the kids. What a great mom. :)

Teresa said...

Oh my I can't wait to hold him in my arms!
What sweet joy!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! My number 3 is by far my most tender and easiest child. I hope the same for you:)

Mike and Alli said...

Yay! How great. Hope you are recovering well.

Savanah said...

What a wonderful time for your little family!! That's so great for you guys to have some time alone with the new baby! I'm so happy for you!!