Sure, most months things haven't worked out exactly the way I'd planned, but that's just the way it is when you have kids who still need a babysitter.
The important thing is, these dates have gotten us out of the house, on a real date, doing something other than dinner and a movie, nearly every month this year.
I think I'm going to make this something we do every year.
Although next year, maybe I'll just give him January and February dates....things are going to get a little crazy in March.
Like I said, we've learned that for us, this has to be a flexible thing.
Anyway, for November's date, we enlisted my brother to watch the kids, and Kent and I drove up to Salt Lake to spend the day.
We got to go through the temple there (I'd never been inside this one!) and oh wow, it blew me away. The details and craftsmanship are incredible, especially considering they were all carved by hand, roughly 150 years ago!
It really is little wonder this temple took the early saints forty years to complete.
And I'm grateful they did. Seeing the sacrifice they made for the Church they loved-it's inspiring.
After the temple, we headed over to the famous Red Iguana. Had to try "Utah's best Mexican" out for ourselves.
Oh yeah, it's good. Really really good. Definitely worth waiting outside for half an hour just to get in and get a table.
And because we just weren't quite stuffed enough, (and because we had a babysitter who'd told us to stay out as long as we wanted--what a chance!)
we found a gelato shop.

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