Monday, January 5, 2009


Christmas break was so relaxing, so peaceful, and so refreshing that I really didn't spend much time on the computer at all. Which means I didn't blog. Which means I am now behind about three weeks.

So, our break in a nutshell:

  • Our anniversary vacation was incredible. We ate great food, played hard, saw the sights, and tried to avoid death at Brennekes beach while boogie boarding.
  • We were back in Utah on Christmas Eve, and we spent the next few days at my parents' house. Christmas day was absolutely perfect. We got some fun presents, which I will blog about when I unpack and take pictures.
  • Then, because we certainly hadn't traveled enough yet, we drove to California to spend New Years with Kent's parents and brothers. I'm so glad we got to see them all. On the way home, we stayed one night with Sam and Heidi and then another night with Kent's grandpa. We also got to see my Grandma and Grandpa Wood along the way. All those stops made for a VERY long drive, but it was totally worth it.
  • Now, we're back in Rexburg. And by back I mean we're so back that we slid on the ice trying to get in the driveway and almost got stuck in a snowbank. We braved the crowds at our one and only grocery store, and we have been huddled under as many blankets as we could find for the entire day because our apartment was SO cold when we got here. Oh boy. Twelve more weeks. Twelve more weeks.

Okay, I need to go get some more hot chocolate and find some way to get the feeling back into my toes. We turned the oven on earlier today just so we could stand in front of it and warm up. I'll post pictures and stuff soon. I promise.


Dallin said...

Believe it or not, you may actually miss the cold down here in Texas... We do! So we don't miss the booger-freezing cold but the cooling down at night in the summers and a white Christmas are definitely missed.

Creole Wisdom said...

I would HATE going home to a freezing cold apt. You deserve a medal! I'm cold when it's 72 degrees ; ) I'm glad you had a wonderful anniversary and holiday!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back! Can't wait to catch up on all of your adventures last month!

heidi said...

welcome home, thanks so much for staying at our house, i loved it. come any time!

Shannon b said...

so is the heating busted in your apartment, or does it really take that long to warm up? I'm so sorry! I hate a cold house.
You guys had a very busy christmas vacations! That's awesome that you took the time to make the rounds and see so much family. Great idea, too, because after graduation I'm sure life is going to change and get busy!
Glad you're home safe. :)

Emily said...

brrrr.... but isn't it fun to have another reason to cuddle!! One time we went camping for a week and Glen decided to save some money I guess???... so he shut off the hot water heater for the week... We returned home dirty and stinky with lots of laundry to do and it took like 24 hours to even get the water luke warm! It was not worth the three dollars that we saved!! Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures of Hawaii and Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Great to see ya back and safe -- and you did a lot!

Jason, Sara, Claire, Grant and Miles said...

I definately don't miss those cold winter days! Hopefully we'll see you guys while we're in Logan over the President's day week - Edie is blessing her baby on Feb. 15. Would love to catch up with you guys!

Lisa Brown said...

So glad you had a great vacation! It sounds wonderful, even if there was a lot of driving. And I am so sorry you had to come back to freezing cold Rexburg. I would send you some of our 70 degree weather if I could.

Libby said...

Sounds like you did lots of traveling and had a great time. Enjoy it while you can. Sorry to hear about the cold. I can't stand the cold either. I am more than ready for summer.

Bryce said...

I know! What the heck? I'm so bummed--we must not be in the same class after all! Miss you!

Jamie Blake said...
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Jamie Blake said...

Hey, that comment from "Bryce" was really me! You were probably creeped out!! haha
and I found out that my sister, Megan was in your ward in San Antonio! :) She said that she saw your blog (which is linked to mine) and she said, "hey, that girl was totally in my ward last summer!" anyway, you should become friends with her too when you move down to Texas! She is pretty cool- almost as cool as me! just kidding. she's probably a lot cooler!