New Mexico


Four corners! This picture has a story. We woke up the second morning of our trip and I mentioned how I wanted to go to Four Corners. It was a little out of the way, though, and our GPS wanted to take us the faster, more direct route. So I called my parents and attempted to get directions to four corners. The conversation went something like this.
Me: "So where do we turn off?"
Dad: "What road are you going to be on?"
Me: "Um...Let me look at the GPS and see if I can figure it out."
Kent: "I need the GPS in .3 miles, so you can't use it right now."
Me (to Dad): "I'm not allowed to use the GPS. I don't know what road we are on. Are you on google maps?"
Later, with Mom trying to translate Dad's directions to me.
Me: "So where do I turn?"
Dad: Mumbles in the background
Mom (to Dad): "No, that's not a road. You're drawing that on the map with your finger. She can't turn there."
Anyway, we finally got it figured out, but then when we got to the city where we were supposed to turn, we spent 45 minutes in line at the Dairy Queen drive through only to get the wrong food, we drove past four people selling "Kneel Down Bread" along the roadsides (?), and we drove a few miles in the wrong direction, only to finally decide to not go to four corners and just follow the GPS.
But I was a little sad about that. So when we happened to see the sign for four corners, we took the road! And then, halfway down it, we realized we were nearly out of gas. And in the middle of nowhere.
We made it to the monument, however, and I was excited! Did you know that you have to pay $3 a person to stand on that piece of cement? Neither did we. And no, we didn't have any cash. I was going to cry. But we sifted through the car and found $3 of quarters and dimes and the lady let us in! I now have a picture of us standing in four states at once! And we didn't run out of gas after all.
No, we found a gas station in a tiny town in the Indian Reservation. But we had to drive slowly through the streets of that town because there were horses on the road!

Other memorable events from this trip include: the awesome lightning storm we saw in Moab, taking breaths of un-humid air for the first time in three months, the hotel where I had to strip the sheets and use my own blankets from the car because of the yuckiness of the room, lots of fun time talking together in the car while we drove, and the gorgeous weather we had while we took a nap in the park in Garland City, Utah while we waited for my family to meet us there at my 99 year-old great grandma's house.