We had some exciting and interesting meals in France. It was always an adventure deciding what to order, and we usually had our French/English dictionary out, passing it around the table. There was a lot of "What do you think this means?", and "Would I be safe ordering this?". Well, I took pictures of some of our particularly memorable meals, so here they are! I'm only missing a picture of the raw ham platter we had one afternoon, and there was also a restaurant in Carcassone that had the most incredible lasagna we'd ever tasted.

This was one of my favorite meals at a restaurant right on the Mediterranean. Grilled Salmon and "American Fries." The salmon was heavenly.

A "Mixed grille" plate-chicken, duck, nearly raw steak, stewed vegetables, and two sausages. One sausage was really good, and the other one didn't make it into my mouth. The smell alone was more than I could handle.

Eating my favorite French sandwich: slices of ham (lunch meat style, not raw!), Swiss cheese, fresh tomatoes, "salade" (lettuce), and butter on a baguette style sandwich bun. Mmm!

Raspberry sorbet on the left and Rose Petal ewe's milk ice cream on the right.

Cassoulet. And I don't see any macaroni or noodles in there, do you?
