Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
And a Happy Easter to one and all!

If only we had a camera...
Jonah and Nathan, my little brothers, were outside playing on Sunday and I noticed that Jonah was climbing around in my car with his muddy shoes on while Nathan stood outside the car with a sort of "I don't think this is a good idea" look on his face. I was going to go tell Jonah to get out of the car, but then I decided to have some fun with it. So while we were still inside watching them out the window, I turned the car alarm on. Nathan squealed louder than the alarm and then just started giggling and giggling because he knew Jonah was in trouble and he wasn't. Jonah's eyes got huge and then he jumped out of the car faster than I thought was possible. He started pointing his finger at Nathan, trying to blame his little brother, but Nathan was doubled over giggling, and Jonah was starting to freak out a little and trying to figure out how to fix the car without telling us he had been in it. We were laughing so hard. I just can't stop thinking about that squeal of Nathan's. So funny.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Pierced Ears!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Acquiring Knowledge!
1. William Wordsworth’s contemporary, Samuel Coleridge, outlined one of Wordsworth’s strengths as “the perfect truth of nature in his images and descriptions as taken immediately from nature, [prove] a long and genial intimacy with the very spirit which gives the physiognomic expression to all the works of nature” (from my humungous research essay I mentioned a few posts ago...yep, still working on it)
2. "In the mean time I worked on, and my labour was already considerably advanced. I looked towards its completion with a tremulous and eager hope, which I dared not trust myself to question, but which was intermixed with obscure forebodings of evil, that made my heart sicken in my bosom" (Mary Shelley Frankenstein, Volume III, chapter II).
3.Raphael's fresco, School of Athens, is painted in a radial pattern of arrangement.
4. A goldfish, if kept in the dark for long enough, will turn white. (I read that in a magazine, and I tend to hold on to silly facts forever)
5. "The Vitalist Debate”: Pitted “materialism” (life stems from biological sources only) versus “vitalism” (life stems from a higher, extra-biological source). Publicly staged debate held at London’s Royal College of Surgeons. Senior surgeon, John Abernathy, lectured in 1814 on the mysterious “superadded” force, a “subtile, mobile, invisible substance” that animated humans.
6. Michealangelo's David statue is in what pattern of arrangement? Answer: a) Vertical.
7. On average, women blink 10 times more often than men. (refer to explanation on number 4)
8. A horizontally-arranged painting or photo has a strong line going across the page, and usually follows the rule of thirds, with the horizon on either the first third or top third of the image. (Kent and I had a humanities test today...can you tell?)
9. "To Helga Crane it was the realization of a dream that she had dreamed persistently ever since she was old enough to remember such vague things as day-dreams and longings. She liked it, this new life. For a time it blotted from her mind all else. She took to luxury as the proverbial duck to water. And she took admiration and attention even more eagerly" (Nella Larsen, Quicksand, Chapter 13).
10. The Reading Tutoring Center (where I work as a tutor) has a secret stash of candy. It's in the top drawer on the left side of Sister Engstrom's desk.
I have realized that there is always something to learn every day, even when we're not going to school for hours and hours. Some learning is forgotten quickly (as I'm walking out of the testing center), and some sticks around, and sometimes learning changes the way you view the world or your life. What have you learned today?
Monday, March 17, 2008
It's all relative
Flip-Flop Weather! (Three cheers!!!)

My feet were so happy to be out of normal shoes at least for a little while! Flip flops aren't allowed on campus because of our dress code, but you can be sure I'll be wearing them everywhere else from now on this year. I've also stopped wearing a coat and I'm down to just a jacket or a sweater. And I can't decide if all of this is because it's actually getting warmer, I'm just rebelling against this stinkin long winter, or because I've gotten so used to the cold by this point that I can hardly feel it anymore.
And yes, that is snow next to my foot. Here's the weather forecast for Rexburg this week, just so you understand what Flip-Flop weather actually means to me. Yes, it's all relative.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I just had to post these pictures of my adorable cousins. They're so cute! It's amazing how much they look like twins (or at least sisters) since Mia, the oldest, was adopted from Korea when she was 6 months old, and KaiLi was adopted from China only this January. They're adorable! I'm sure it's a difficult adjustment for the family at times, and hard for KaiLi as she learns how to communicate with her new American family, but I think that these beautiful girls--Tristin, Mia, and KaiLi--are all going to be best of friends.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Our lives as a musical
After they left, Kent and I were getting ready for bed and he decided to make the moment a musical. He stepped out from around a corner, singing and singing. And I remembered how a few semesters ago my roommates and I all decided that we would designate one day as a musical day, where we would have to sing everything we said, and if someone started singing a familiar song (like a primary song), we would all have to join in. We were so excited, and we set the date and everything, but that Saturday we were supposed to do it, every one of us completely forgot until we were going to bed. Sad.
Tonight we're getting together with a couple in our ward to do Family Home Evening together. We're going to have a little lesson, go bowling, and have Strawberry Freeze for dessert. I'm excited! We had some of the strawberry freeze last night after dinner, and it's incredible! And it's fun to have an activity all planned out to look forward to all day long.
It's really too bad that sometime today I also must start working on my humungous English essay. I've procrastinated this for seriously way too long. Oh boy.